Solve and graph the solution for this inequality. -3x + 5 ≤ 23 step 1

step 2
step 3
step 4

Step 1: Start by subtracting 5 from both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable.

-3x + 5 - 5 ≤ 23 - 5
-3x ≤ 18

Step 2: Divide both sides of the inequality by -3. Remember that when dividing by a negative number, the inequality sign flips.
-3x/(-3) ≥ 18/(-3)
x ≥ -6

Step 3: The solution to the inequality is x ≥ -6.

Step 4: To graph the solution, draw a number line and mark -6 with a closed circle (≥ means the point is included in the solution). Then, shade the line to the right of -6 to indicate all the values that satisfy the inequality.