Mark makes bouquet arrangements. He puts 1 tulip for every 4 daisies in each arrangement. The table below shows the number of tulips and daisies Mark uses for different arrangements. Arrangement Daisies Tulips 1 4 1 2 8 2 3 12 3 4 16 4 How many daisies and tulips will there be in the 7th arrangement? (1 point) Responses There will be 7 daisies and 28 tulips. There will be 28 daisies and 7 tulips. There will be 26 daisies and 7 tulips. There will be 7 daisies and 26 tulips.

To determine the number of daisies and tulips in the 7th arrangement, we can use the pattern in the table. From the table, we can see that for each arrangement, the number of daisies and tulips is increasing by 4.

In the 7th arrangement, there would be 4 * 7 = 28 daisies.
Since Mark puts 1 tulip for every 4 daisies, there would be 28 / 4 = 7 tulips.

Therefore, there will be 28 daisies and 7 tulips in the 7th arrangement.

So the correct answer is: There will be 28 daisies and 7 tulips.