Mark makes bouquet arrangements. He puts 1 tulip for every 4 daisies in each arrangement. The table below shows the number of tulips and daisies Mark uses for different arrangements. Arrangement Daisies Tulips 1 4 1 2 8 2 3 12 3 4 16 4 How many daisies and tulips will there be in the 7th arrangement? (1 point) Responses There will be 7 daisies and 28 tulips. There will be 7 daisies and 28 tulips. There will be 28 daisies and 7 tulips. There will be 28 daisies and 7 tulips. There will be 26 daisies and 7 tulips. There will be 26 daisies and 7 tulips. There will be 7 daisies and 26 tulips. answer correct if it is right then you earned a 5 star for your correctness

The pattern in the table shows that for each arrangement, the number of daisies and tulips increases by 4.

In the 7th arrangement, there will be 7 daisies (starting from 4 and increasing by 4 for each arrangement) and 7 tulips (starting from 1 and increasing by 1 for each arrangement).

Therefore, the correct answer is:

There will be 7 daisies and 7 tulips.