Find a rational number between 2 and 2/14 using the method of adding the numbers together and dividing by 2. Write the answer as a mixed number

To find a rational number between 2 and 2/14 using the given method of adding the numbers together and dividing by 2, we add the two numbers:

2 + 2/14

First, we need to make the denominators of the fraction the same. Since 2 can be written as 28/14, we have:

28/14 + 2/14

Adding the numerators, we get:

(28 + 2)/14 = 30/14

Now, we divide this sum by 2:

(30/14) รท 2 = (30/14) * (1/2)

Multiplying the numerators and denominators, we get:

30/28 = 15/14

The final result is 15/14, which can be written as a mixed number as 1 1/14.