Find a rational number between 2 and 214

using the method of adding the numbers together and dividing by 2. Write the answer as a mixed number.(1 point)

To find a rational number between 2 and 214 using the method of adding the numbers together and dividing by 2, we add the two given numbers together:

2 + 214 = 216

Then, we divide the sum by 2:

216 / 2 = 108

Therefore, 108 is a rational number between 2 and 214. In mixed number format, it can be written as 108/1.

Find a rational number between 2 and 2 1/4

using the method of adding the numbers together and dividing by 2. Write the answer as a mixed number.(1 point)

First, we need to convert the mixed number 2 1/4 to an improper fraction.

To do so, we multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator of the fraction (4) and add the numerator (1):

2 * 4 + 1 = 9

The improper fraction equivalent of 2 1/4 is therefore 9/4.

Next, we add the two given numbers:

2 + 9/4 = 8/4 + 9/4 = 17/4

Now, we divide the sum by 2:

17/4 ÷ 2 = 17/4 × 1/2

To divide fractions, we multiply by the reciprocal:

17/4 × 1/2 = (17 × 1)/(4 × 2) = 17/8

Therefore, 17/8 is a rational number between 2 and 2 1/4. In mixed number format, it can be written as 2 1/8.

Find a rational number with one decimal place that is between 17−−√

and 18−−√
.(1 point)

To find a rational number with one decimal place between the numbers √17 and √18, we can use the average method.

First, we calculate the average of the two numbers:

(√17 + √18) / 2 ≈ 4.201946665

So, the average is approximately 4.201946665.

To get a rational number with one decimal place, we round the average to one decimal place:

4.201946665 ≈ 4.2

Therefore, a rational number with one decimal place between √17 and √18 is approximately 4.2.


You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Show an example of an irrational number between 9 and 11.(1 point)


start root 10 end root

start root 99 end root

start root 100 end root


An example of an irrational number between 9 and 11 is √10. This is approximately 3.16227766.

What is the least integer whose square root is an irrational number between 5 and 7?(1 point)
