Apply the Commutative Property to generate an expression equivalent to 8+9f−2+6f−8f−4+12.(1 point)


14 plus 7 f

21 f

18 plus 5 f

14 plus 22 f

The expression equivalent to 8+9f−2+6f−8f−4+12 using the Commutative Property is 14+7f.

To generate an expression equivalent to 8+9f−2+6f−8f−4+12 using the Commutative Property, we can rearrange the terms without changing their order.

Starting with 8+9f−2+6f−8f−4+12, we can regroup the terms with the same variables together:

8 + (9f + 6f - 8f) + (-2 - 4) + 12

We can simplify the terms within the parentheses by combining like terms:

8 + 7f + (-6) + 12

Next, we can simplify further by combining the remaining like terms:

(8 - 6) + 7f + 12

Finally, we can simplify the expression:

2 + 7f + 12

This simplifies to:

14 + 7f

So, applying the Commutative Property, we find that the expression equivalent to 8+9f−2+6f−8f−4+12 is 14 + 7f.
