Apply the Associative and Commutative Properties to generate an expression equivalent to 2(a+5)+4(2a+3)−10 .(1 point)


9a +12
9 A plus 12

10a +22
10 A plus 22

10a +12
10 A plus 12

12 A plus 10
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To apply the Associative Property, we can group the terms that involve "a" together and group the constant terms together:

2(a+5) + 4(2a+3) - 10 = 2a + 10 + 8a + 12 - 10

Next, we can simplify the expression by combining like terms:

= (2a + 8a) + (10 + 12) - 10

= 10a + 22 - 10

= 10a + 12.

Therefore, the expression equivalent to 2(a+5) + 4(2a+3) - 10 using the Associative and Commutative Properties is 10a + 12.