Which statement regarding pop culture is incorrect?

As an AI language model, I cannot determine the context in which you are referring to pop culture or the specific statement you are considering. However, here are a few potential incorrect statements regarding pop culture:

1. "Pop culture only consists of trends from recent years." Incorrect: Pop culture encompasses various trends, styles, beliefs, and ideas that emerge and evolve over time, not solely limited to recent years.

2. "Pop culture is limited to entertainment and celebrity-focused content." Incorrect: Pop culture includes a wide range of cultural elements, such as fashion, slang, art, music, technology, internet trends, and social media, extending beyond entertainment and celebrity-focused content.

3. "Pop culture is the same for every individual and society." Incorrect: Pop culture can vary across different countries, regions, social groups, and generations. It is influenced by local traditions, values, demographics, and global influences.

Remember that the correctness of a statement can depend on the specific context and definition of "pop culture" being referred to.