Read the following prompt and type your response in the space provided.

Ann has a net monthly income of $2,700.

Create a reasonable monthly budget for Ann. Be sure to include the following expenses:

Ann has a dog. Dog related expenses cost Ann about $150 every month.

Ann recently bought a new car. Her transportation expenses are $800 per month.

Based on Ann's net monthly income of $2,700, a reasonable monthly budget for her could be as follows:

1. Rent/Mortgage: $1,000
2. Utilities (electricity, water, internet): $250
3. Groceries: $300
4. Transportation (car payment, insurance, gas): $800
5. Personal care (toiletries, haircuts): $100
6. Entertainment (movies, dining out): $150
7. Dog expenses (food, grooming, vet visits): $150
8. Savings: $250

Total expenses: $3,000

Ideally, Ann should consider revising her budget or finding ways to increase her income to cover her expenses.