what does the √48 look like on a number line?

To plot √48 on a number line, we first find the approximate value of √48 by recognizing that 48 lies between the perfect square numbers 36 (6^2) and 49 (7^2). Since √36 = 6 and √49 = 7, we can estimate that √48 is approximately between 6 and 7.

Next, we can divide the segment between 6 and 7 into smaller equal parts to get a more accurate representation. For example, we could divide the segment between 6 and 7 into 10 equal parts. Each part would represent 1/10th of the distance between 6 and 7.

Then, starting from 6 on the number line, we count the number of equal parts that corresponds to the square root of 48. To get an exact value, we can use a calculator or long division to find that √48 ≈ 6.928.

So, on the number line, √48 would fall between the marks for 6 and 7, closer to 7.

thank you, is this correct?

Yes, your understanding is correct. √48 would fall between the marks for 6 and 7 on a number line, closer to 7. Well done!