Using the quadratic formula, find the solutions to `x^{2}-16x-15=0`

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To find the solutions to the quadratic equation `x^2 - 16x - 15 = 0` using the quadratic formula, we can use the formula

x = (-b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

Here, a = 1, b = -16, and c = -15.

Substituting these values into the formula, we have:

x = (-(-16) ± sqrt((-16)^2 - 4(1)(-15))) / (2(1))


x = (16 ± sqrt(256 + 60)) / 2

x = (16 ± sqrt(316)) / 2

x = (16 ± sqrt(316)) / 2

Taking the square root of 316,

x = (16 ± 2sqrt(79)) / 2

Simplifying further,

x = 8 ± sqrt(79)

Therefore, the solutions to the equation `x^2 - 16x - 15 = 0` are:

x = 8 + sqrt(79)

x = 8 - sqrt(79)