Ellie is saving to buy a phone. She wants to have at least $299 saved before buying one. She currently has $213 saved, and she receives $10 a week as an allowance from her parents. After how many weeks will Ellie have enough money saved? Ellie writes the inequality 10w+213≥299 , where w is the number of weeks, to help figure this out. Solve her inequality

w ≥ 860
w ≥ 51.2
w ≥ 8.6
w ≥ 86

To solve the inequality 10w + 213 ≥ 299, we first subtract 213 from both sides:

10w + 213 - 213 ≥ 299 - 213
10w ≥ 86

Next, we divide both sides of the inequality by 10:
10w/10 ≥ 86/10
w ≥ 8.6

Therefore, Ellie will have enough money saved after at least 8.6 weeks. Since the number of weeks cannot be a decimal, we round up to the nearest whole number, which is 9. So, after 9 weeks, Ellie will have enough money saved. Therefore, the solution is w ≥ 8.6.