Which of the following is the difference between Athenian direct democracy and American representative democracy in a direct democracy citizens elect others to represent them and in representative democracy, citizens participate directly or in a representative democracy the citizens are not allowed to vote for the representatives, and in a direct democracy citizens are allowed to elect representatives in a direct democracy citizens participate directly in decision making and in representative democracies citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf or in a representative democracy the citizens are allowed to vote for the representation in a direct democracy citizens are allowed to participate in the government

The difference between Athenian direct democracy and American representative democracy is that in Athenian direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision-making. They have the right to vote on all issues and can actively engage in the government. On the other hand, in American representative democracy, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf. They do not directly participate in the government, but rather elect representatives who then make decisions on their behalf.