Which of the following is the difference between Athenian direct democracy and American representative democracy? (1 point) Responses In a direct democracy, citizens elect others to represent them, and in representative democracy, citizens participate directly. In a direct democracy, citizens elect others to represent them, and in representative democracy, citizens participate directly. In a representative democracy the citizens are not allowed to vote for their representatives, and in a direct democracy citizens are allowed to elect representatives. In a representative democracy the citizens are not allowed to vote for their representatives, and in a direct democracy citizens are allowed to elect representatives. In a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision making, and in a representative democracy, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf. In a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision making, and in a representative democracy, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf. In a representative democracy the citizens are allowed to vote for their representatives, and in a direct democracy citizens are not allowed to particpate in the government.

In a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision making, and in a representative democracy, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf.

The correct response is: In a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision making, and in a representative democracy, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf.

The correct difference between Athenian direct democracy and American representative democracy is the following:

In a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision-making. This means that citizens have a direct influence on the laws, policies, and decisions of the government. They have the ability to vote directly on issues, propose legislation, and participate in public debates and assemblies.
On the other hand, in a representative democracy like the American system, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf. Instead of directly participating in decision-making, citizens elect representatives who will represent their interests and make decisions on their behalf. These elected officials are responsible for creating and passing laws, making policy decisions, and representing the views of the citizens.
So, the correct answer is: "In a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision making, and in a representative democracy, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf."