Painted Pots lets customers choose and paint their own pottery. The store has teapots in multiple sizes. Rebecca chose to paint the largest teapot offered, which cost $18. She also painted 4 small teacups to go with her teapot. Rebecca spent a total of $42 on pottery.

Which equation can you use to find c, the cost of each teacup?
What was the cost of each teacup?

The equation that can be used to find the cost of each teacup is 4(c+18)=42.

To solve this equation, we can distribute 4 to both terms inside the parentheses: 4c + 72 = 42.
Then, we can subtract 72 from both sides to isolate the variable: 4c = 42 - 72.
Simplifying the right side gives: 4c = -30.
Finally, divide both sides by 4 to solve for c: c = -30/4 = -7.5.

So, the cost of each teacup is $7.50.