Which qualities of the ocean help it to absorb heat? Select the three correct answers.(2 points)


transparency to electromagnetic radiation
transparency to electromagnetic radiation

a high specific heat capacity compared to land or air
a high specific heat capacity compared to land or air

large surface area
large surface area

a low evaporation point
a low evaporation point

proximity to land
proximity to land

Water can be a solid, liquid, or gas at Earth's surface.

The three correct answers are:

1) Transparency to electromagnetic radiation: The ocean is able to absorb heat from sunlight as it is transparent to electromagnetic radiation, allowing the penetration of sunlight into the water.

2) A high specific heat capacity compared to land or air: Water has a higher specific heat capacity compared to land or air, which means it can absorb more heat for a given change in temperature. This allows the ocean to effectively absorb and store large amounts of heat.

3) Large surface area: The ocean has a large surface area, which allows for greater contact with the atmosphere. This facilitates the exchange of heat between the ocean and the atmosphere, with the ocean being able to absorb heat from the air.