Which qualities are the most important for information in an explanatory essay? Select the three correct answers.(2 points)








The three correct answers are:

1. Accurate: Information should be factual and correct, ensuring that it is reliable and trustworthy.

2. Relevant: Information should be directly related to the topic and provide relevant evidence or examples to support the explanation.

3. Specific: Information should be clear, specific, and detailed, avoiding vague or general statements. This helps in providing a comprehensive explanation.

Use the topic and thesis statement to answer the question.

Topic: The benefits of caring for a pet.
Thesis statement: Taking care of a pet is an enriching experience that can improve a person’s quality of life.
Which information is NOT relevant to include in a paper with the listed topic and thesis?

(1 point)

Caring for a pet can decrease feelings of loneliness.
Caring for a pet can decrease feelings of loneliness.

Pictures and videos of pets doing funny things are popular on social media.
Pictures and videos of pets doing funny things are popular on social media.

Certain kinds of pets can be trained and registered as service animals to assist people with disabilities.
Certain kinds of pets can be trained and registered as service animals to assist people with disabilities.

Some animals have a strong sense of routine, which can help their owners keep

The information that is NOT relevant to include in a paper with the listed topic and thesis is:

Pictures and videos of pets doing funny things are popular on social media.

What does it mean to develop a topic?(1 point)


It means considering multiple perspectives to create an interesting thesis statement.
It means considering multiple perspectives to create an interesting thesis statement.

It means including surprising information to keep readers engaged.
It means including surprising information to keep readers engaged.

It means carefully selecting the language and type of information a writer will use.
It means carefully selecting the language and type of information a writer will use.

It means reconsidering a position after a writer learns new information about a topic.
It means reconsidering a position after a writer learns new information about a topic.

It means carefully selecting the language and type of information a writer will use.

How are in-text citations formatted in MLA style? Select the three correct answers.(2 points)


outside the closing period
outside the closing period

at the end of a sentence
at the end of a sentence

inside the closing period
inside the closing period

at the end of a paragraph
at the end of a paragraph

in brackets
in brackets

in parentheses

The three correct answers are:

1. At the end of a sentence: In MLA style, in-text citations are typically placed at the end of the sentence, before the closing punctuation.

2. In parentheses: In-text citations in MLA style are usually formatted within parentheses, containing the author's last name and the page number(s) of the cited source.

3. In brackets: In some cases, especially for online sources without page numbers, additional information such as a title or paragraph number may be included in brackets within the in-text citation.

ow are sources listed in a Works Cited page?(1 point)


in the order the sources were referenced in the text
in the order the sources were referenced in the text

chronologically, using the publication date of each source
chronologically, using the publication date of each source

in the order of importance starting with the most important source
in the order of importance starting with the most important source

alphabetically, using either the authors’ last names or the title of the source

Sources are listed in a Works Cited page alphabetically, using either the authors’ last names or the title of the source.

The following table represents the altitude of a hiker climbing a mountain over a 60-minute hike. Calculate the average rate of change over the interval from 0 to 30 minutes.

(1 point)

The rate of change is about 3 feet per minute.
The rate of change is about 3 feet per minute.

The rate of change is about 30 feet per minute.
The rate of change is about 30 feet per minute.

The rate of change is about 2 feet per minute.
The rate of change is about 2 feet per minute.

The rate of change is about 90 feet per minute.