Complete the following stepped-out solution to show that 3+7(p−11) is equivalent to 7 ⋅ p − 74. 3 + 7 ⋅ p − 7 ⋅ __: Apply the Distributive Property and multiply. 3 + 7 ⋅ p − __: Blank. 7 ⋅ p + 3 − __: Apply the Commutative Property of Addition and subtract.

To apply the Distributive Property to 7(p-11), we need to distribute the 7 to both terms inside the parentheses:

7(p-11) = 7 * p - 7 * 11

This simplifies to:

7p - 77

So, the blank is 77.

Now, we can substitute this value into the equation:

3 + 7p - 77

To apply the Commutative Property of Addition, we can rearrange the terms:

7p + 3 - 77

Finally, we can simplify:

7p - 74

Therefore, 3 + 7(p-11) is equivalent to 7p - 74.