Is in Sparta received more traditional schooling, while in Athens children were sent to military school a difference between them

Yes, there was a difference in the education systems between Sparta and Athens. In Sparta, the focus of education was on producing highly-disciplined and skilled soldiers. All boys in Sparta were sent to military schools from the age of seven, where they underwent rigorous physical and military training. Education in Sparta mainly aimed at developing virtues like discipline, toughness, and loyalty, and academic subjects were not given much importance.

On the other hand, education in Athens was more diverse and inclusive. Athenian children, both boys and girls, received a more well-rounded education that focused on academic, physical, and moral development. They received schooling from a young age and were taught subjects like reading, writing, mathematics, music, and physical education. Athenian education placed a greater emphasis on intellectual and artistic pursuits, encouraging critical thinking, public speaking, and political engagement.

So, while both civilizations had distinctly different approaches to education, the main difference was that Sparta heavily emphasized military training, whereas Athens had a more comprehensive education system that encouraged intellectual growth and participation in various aspects of society.