The victory of Athens over Persia at Marathon was surprising because

A. Athens did not value military strength.
B. Persia was a much larger power than Athens.
C. Sparta had recently defeated Athens.
D. the people of Marathon sided with the Persians.

Persia was a much larger power than Athens that is the answer bc I got it wrong hope that helps

idkjustauser is right! or at least for mine, I had a quick check and got it right!

B. Persia was a much larger power than Athens.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down each option and analyze it:

A. Athens did not value military strength: This option suggests that Athens was not interested in military affairs, which is not a plausible explanation for their victory at Marathon. While it is true that Athens focused more on their navy and democracy rather than a strong military, it does not necessarily mean they didn't value military strength. Therefore, we can eliminate this option.

B. Persia was a much larger power than Athens: This option is a plausible explanation for the surprise victory. Persia was indeed a much larger and more powerful empire than Athens. The Persian Empire had conquered many territories, and their military was considered one of the most formidable during that time. Athens, on the other hand, was a relatively small city-state in comparison. Therefore, the victory could have been surprising due to Persia's superior power.

C. Sparta had recently defeated Athens: This option is not accurate as there is no historical evidence to suggest that Sparta had recently defeated Athens before the Battle of Marathon. In fact, the Battle of Marathon took place before the Peloponnesian War when Sparta and Athens were still allies.

D. The people of Marathon sided with the Persians: This option is also not accurate in explaining the surprise victory. The people of Marathon were Greeks, and they actively fought alongside Athens against the Persians in the Battle of Marathon. Therefore, they did not side with the Persians.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is:

B. Persia was a much larger power than Athens.