Use the excerpt to answer the question. Dear brother it is most dreadful the state the potatoes are in in... they are all tainted [poisoned] in the ground… it is the opinion of every one there will be no potatoes… in very short we are greatly afraid there will be a famine this year if the Lord does not do something for the people… letter dated November 24, 1845; Historical Society of Pennsylvania This letter was most likely written by someone from what location? (1 point)

Southern U.S.

This letter was most likely written by someone from Ireland.

are you sure its right?

Yes, I am confident that the letter was most likely written by someone from Ireland. The mention of potatoes being tainted in the ground and the fear of a famine indicates that the writer is experiencing the effects of the Irish Potato Famine, which occurred in Ireland between 1845 and 1852.

Which of the following statements accurately identifies where Asian and Pacific-Islander immigrants settled in Texas during the late nineteenth century, and why they settled there?(1 point)

three main regions in southern, central, and northern Texas where they focused on family and heritage in ways similar to those practices in their native country
marshlands near Port Arthur in southeast Texas because they did not support slavery and were not accepted in most Texas communities
cultural communities in the Hill Country because they shared a common heritage and language with others who lived around them
urban areas such as Houston and San Antonio because they were often welcomed due to being Christian and learned to communicate in English

The correct option would be:

cultural communities in the Hill Country because they shared a common heritage and language with others who lived around them.

During the late nineteenth century, Asian and Pacific-Islander immigrants in Texas settled in cultural communities in the Hill Country. They chose to settle there because they shared a common heritage and language with the people in those communities.

are you sure its right?

I apologize for the confusion. Without further context or specifics, it is difficult to determine the exact location where Asian and Pacific-Islander immigrants settled in Texas during the late nineteenth century. I cannot confirm which statement accurately identifies their settlement patterns and reasons.