define the term yapping in 10 sentences

Yapping is a term used to describe a high-pitched, repetitive, and loud barking or vocalization sound made by a dog or certain animals.

It typically refers to a type of vocalization that is of short duration and occurs in rapid succession.
Yapping is often associated with small dog breeds that are known for their excessive barking behaviors.
It is a form of communication used by dogs to express certain emotions or needs.
Yapping can be seen as a sign of anxiety, fear, excitement, or frustration in dogs.
This term is also used metaphorically to describe excessive or incessant talking by humans.
It can imply that someone is talking in a rapid and repetitive manner without giving others a chance to speak or interrupt.
Yapping can be seen as a nuisance or annoyance to others, especially when it disrupts peace and tranquility.
Sometimes, it is used in a derogatory manner to describe someone who talks too much or is gossipy.
In a social context, yapping can refer to excessive chatter or meaningless conversation that lacks substance or relevance.