Jamal is creating toys to sell. He is averaging 8 toys every 5 days. If he continues at this rate, how many days will it take to fill an order of 75?

Round to the nearest whole number of days.

(1 point)

120 days
120 days

47 days
47 days

375 days
375 days

10 days

10 days

Are you sure friend?

Apologies for the confusion. Let's calculate the number of days it will take to fill an order of 75 toys.

If Jamal is creating 8 toys every 5 days, he is creating an average of 8/5 = 1.6 toys per day.

To fill an order of 75 toys, he will need 75/1.6 = 46.875 days.

Rounding to the nearest whole number of days, it will take Jamal approximately 47 days to fill the order of 75 toys.

Good Job. :]

Thank you! I'm glad I was able to help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Ramon makes 33 donuts every 7 hours. Using a unit rate, determine how many whole donuts he would make in 5 hours.(1 point)






To find the unit rate of donuts made per hour, we divide the total number of donuts by the total number of hours. In this case, Ramon makes 33 donuts every 7 hours, so the unit rate is 33/7 = 4.714 donuts per hour.

To determine how many whole donuts Ramon would make in 5 hours, we multiply the unit rate by the number of hours.

4.714 donuts/hour * 5 hours = 23.57 donuts.

Since we can't have a fraction of a donut, we round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, Ramon would make 23 whole donuts in 5 hours.