Kush Egypt or both , worshiped many gods, built pyramids as tombs for dead rulers, lower kingdom located at the Nile delta, established first ironworking center in Africa

The ancient civilization of Kush, located in present-day Sudan, worshiped many gods just like ancient Egypt. They also built pyramids as tombs for their rulers, similar to the practice in ancient Egypt. However, the lower kingdom of Kush was actually located in the northern region of present-day Sudan, bordering the Nile delta. Kush is also known for establishing the first ironworking center in Africa.

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The practice of worshiping many gods and building pyramids as tombs for rulers was common to both ancient Egypt and Kush. However, the lower kingdom of Kush was located in present-day Sudan, while ancient Egypt was centered around the Nile delta. Additionally, Kush is credited with establishing the first ironworking center in Africa.