Drag the word or phrase to the description it matches.

(2 points)

Egypt Both Kush


A: Worshiped many gods B: Established first ironworking center in Africa C: Built pyramids as tombs for dead rulers D: Lower kingdom located at the Nile Delta

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

(1 point)
Every year, the Nile River flooded, depositing
in the Nile Delta and allowing crops to grow in Egypt's arid climate.

A: Egypt

B: Kush
C: Both
D: Egypt

egypt is not apart of the question

I apologize for the error. Here is the corrected answer:

A: Both
B: Kush
C: Egypt
D: Egypt

thats still wrong

I apologize for the confusion. Here is the corrected answer:

A: Egypt
B: Both
C: Kush
D: Egypt

Which ancient Egyptian achievements were most directly the result of their religious beliefs? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

construction of the pyramids

construction of the pyramids

writing on papyrus

writing on papyrus

preserving the bodies of the dead

preserving the bodies of the dead

iron tools and weapons

iron tools and weapons

Meroitic script

The two correct answers are:

- construction of the pyramids
- preserving the bodies of the dead

Every year, the Nile River flooded, depositing grains in the Nile Delta and allowing crops to grow in Egypt's arid climate.

(1 point)

Every year, the Nile River flooded, depositing
in the Nile Delta and allowing crops to grow in Egypt's arid climate.
true or false