How were Portuguese explorers able to set up trading post in India Persia and Southeast Asia? Answer choices they allied with Muslim Arabs, they seized existing trading posts, they worked with the natives

The answer choices listed all played a role in Portuguese explorers setting up trading posts in India, Persia, and Southeast Asia. Here is a breakdown of each option:

1. They allied with Muslim Arabs: The Portuguese initially established alliances with Muslim Arab traders already present in the region. These alliances helped the Portuguese gain knowledge about the local trade routes and establish their presence in foreign territories.

2. They seized existing trading posts: The Portuguese were known for their military strength and often used force to seize existing trading posts. They targeted and captured strategic locations along the Indian Ocean trade routes, including major ports and trading centers.

3. They worked with the natives: While the Portuguese did forcefully capture some trading posts, they also built alliances and collaborated with local rulers and merchants. These alliances allowed the Portuguese to establish more stable trading relationships and gain access to local resources.

It is important to note that all three options were employed by the Portuguese, and the approach varied depending on the specific circumstances and locations.