Peer critique

Remember 1 glow and 1 grow for each Superhero/villan
You'll need to croute a total of 4 people

Superhero/Villain 1:

Glow: One glow for this superhero is their incredible strength. It's impressive how they can effortlessly lift heavy objects and defeat their enemies with pure force. This ability definitely sets them apart from other superheroes.

Grow: One area for improvement for this superhero is their lack of agility. While their strength is impressive, they often struggle with dodging quick attacks and can be easily overwhelmed. Developing some agility skills would make them even more formidable.

Superhero/Villain 2:

Glow: One glow for this superhero is their intelligence and analytical thinking. They are always one step ahead of their opponents, able to strategize and come up with creative solutions to problems. This makes them a valuable asset in any fight.

Grow: One area of growth for this superhero is their lack of emotional intelligence. They tend to be socially awkward and struggle with building connections with others. Developing their empathy and understanding of people's emotions would make them more relatable and effective in their superhero duties.

Superhero/Villain 3:

Glow: One glow for this superhero is their incredible speed. They can move faster than the speed of sound, which allows them to save lives in the blink of an eye. Their speed is their greatest asset and gives them an edge in any battle.

Grow: One area for improvement for this superhero is their lack of durability. While their speed is impressive, they often neglect their defense and can be easily injured in a fight. Focusing on building their stamina and durability would make them even more unstoppable.

Superhero/Villain 4:

Glow: One glow for this superhero is their ability to manipulate elements. They have control over fire, water, earth, and air, making them a force to be reckoned with. Their mastery over these elements allows them to create powerful attacks and defend themselves effectively.

Grow: One area of growth for this superhero is their temper. They often let their emotions take control, particularly when angered or provoked. Learning to control their anger and maintain a calm demeanor in high-pressure situations would make them a more level-headed and effective superhero.