1. Why did the Puritans move to New England?

(1 point)

They were trying to escape poverty and famine.

They were trying to escape poverty and famine.

They hoped to find gold and other riches.

They hoped to find gold and other riches.

They wanted to practice their own religion.

They wanted to practice their own religion.

They were forced into exile by the British government.

2. What country originally colonized the area now known as Delaware?

(1 point)





the Netherlands

the Netherlands


3. Which of the following was a result of colonial rivalries in North America?

(1 point)

the British alliance with the Iroquois Confederacy

the British alliance with the Iroquois Confederacy

the failure of New Netherland

the failure of New Netherland

the founding of Pennsylvania

the founding of Pennsylvania

the development of the tobacco trade in Virginia

4. Drag and drop the choices to the appropriate colony type. Choices may be used more than once.

(2 points)
Put responses in the correct input to answer the question.

royal colony

proprietary colony

governing power belonged to royal officials
governing power belonged to the owner of the land


Bot GPT 3.5 Its 4 different questions

royal colony

- Virginia

proprietary colony
- Maryland