Using the digestive system

2. Students will sketch on paper a draft of what organs and where those organs should be located in the human body (on the front and back of the T-shirt) so that their system is represented anatomically correct (2 separate drawings). Task #2

In this task, students will sketch a draft of the digestive system on paper, with a focus on anatomical correctness. They will create two separate drawings, one for the organs located on the front of the T-shirt and another for the organs located on the back of the T-shirt.

To complete this task, students can follow these steps:

1. Start by gathering reference materials such as textbooks, illustrations, or online resources to understand the arrangement of the digestive system organs in the human body.

2. Take a blank sheet of paper and divide it into two sections, one for the front representation and one for the back representation of the digestive system.

3. Begin with the front representation. Sketch the outline of a human torso on the section designated for the front of the T-shirt. It can be a simplified representation, indicating the basic shape and position of the organs.

4. Start adding the organs in the correct anatomical positions. Begin with the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines. Consult your reference materials to ensure accuracy in the size and shape of each organ. Pay attention to their relative positions as well.

5. Add additional organs such as the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas, if desired. Students can decide whether to fully illustrate these organs or use simplified symbols or labels to represent them.

6. Move on to the back representation. Sketch the outline of the back of a human torso on the designated section. Again, it can be a simplified representation.

7. Add the organs on the back of the T-shirt, focusing on the large intestine and any other visible organs. Ensure proper placement and size in relation to the rest of the digestive system.

8. Consider adding other details or labels to enhance the drawings, such as the names of the organs or arrows pointing to specific areas.

9. Review and revise the sketches as needed, making sure the organs are accurately represented and easily recognizable.

10. Once satisfied with the drafts, students can transfer their final sketches onto the T-shirt using fabric markers, fabric paints, or any desired medium.

By completing this task, students will have a visual representation of the digestive system on a T-shirt, accurately displaying the organs in anatomically correct positions. This task engages students in understanding the spatial arrangement and functions of the digestive system, enhancing their knowledge and creativity.