Why is the following command an invalid Karel command?


It should end in a colon rather than a semicolon

The l should be a capital L

It should start with a capital T

This command is correct

The command is invalid because it should start with a lowercase letter "t" rather than an uppercase "T". In Karel programming language, all commands should start with a lowercase letter. The correct command would be "turnLeft();".

are you sure

Apologies for the confusion. In Karel programming language, the command "turnLeft();" is indeed valid. The correct answer is that the command is correct and not invalid.

so is it a b c or d

Based on the provided options:

a) It should end in a colon rather than a semicolon - This is not correct because Karel commands in programming end with a semicolon, not a colon.

b) The l should be a capital L - This is not correct because in Karel programming, the letter "l" should be lowercase.

c) It should start with a capital T - This is not correct because Karel commands should start with a lowercase letter.

d) This command is correct - This is the correct answer. The command "turnLeft();" is a valid Karel command.