Marty made a $220 bank deposit using $10 bills and $5 bills. She gave the teller a total of 38 bills, how many $5 bills were in the deposit? Responses A 6 five-dollar bills6 five-dollar bills B 28 five-dollar bills28 five-dollar bills C 32 five-dollar bills32 five-dollar bills D 34 five-dollar bills

Let's assume that Marty gave x $10 bills and y $5 bills.

We can create two equations to represent this information.
From the given information, we know that Marty made a total of 38 bills deposit:
x + y = 38
We also know that the value of the deposit is $220:
10x + 5y = 220
To solve these equations, we can use the substitution method.
From the first equation, we can rewrite it as x = 38 - y and substitute this value into the second equation:
10(38 - y) + 5y = 220
Simplifying the equation, we get:
380 - 10y + 5y = 220
Combining like terms, we get:
-5y = -160
Dividing both sides by -5, we get:
y = 32
Therefore, the answer is C. 32 five-dollar bills.