Your essay should include the following:

Introduction, body paragraph(s) and conclusion

Double-spaced and indented

Have a proper heading with your name, teacher's last name, course title and date

Submitted as a Microsoft Word or Google document

Use Times New Roman or Arial 12 point font

All of the above

All of the above requirements are necessary for a well-structured and properly formatted essay. Here is a breakdown of each requirement:

A. Introduction, body paragraph(s), and conclusion: A good essay should have an introduction that provides background information and a clear thesis statement, body paragraphs that support the thesis with evidence and analysis, and a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes the main points discussed.

B. Double-spaced and indented: The essay should be double-spaced throughout, including between paragraphs, and paragraphs should be indented at the beginning. This formatting makes the essay easier to read and allows for better organization.

C. Proper heading with name, teacher's last name, course title, and date: At the top left corner of the first page, include your name, your teacher's last name, the course title, and the date. This information helps identify the author and the context of the essay.

D. Submitted as a Microsoft Word or Google document: The preferred format for submitting the essay is as a Microsoft Word or Google document. These formats are widely used and allow for easy editing and sharing.

E. Use Times New Roman or Arial 12 point font: The font should be either Times New Roman or Arial and the font size should be 12 point. This choice of font and size is standard for academic writing and ensures readability.

F. All of the above: To meet the requirements of a well-structured and properly formatted essay, all of the above requirements should be fulfilled. Paying attention to these details will contribute to the overall professionalism and clarity of the essay.