Use the table to answer the question. x f(x)=7x 3 343 3.1 416.6812 3.14 450.4098 3.141 451.2871 3.1416 451.8143 3.14159 451.8055 3.141593 451.8082 3.1415927 451.8079 3.14159265 451.8079 Consider the function f(x)=7x . Given is a table with x-values that get closer to π≈3.14159265359 and their corresponding f(x) values. Use the table to approximate 7π correct to four decimal places. (1 point)

From the table, we can see that as x gets closer to π, the corresponding f(x) values get closer to 7π.

The closest x-value to π in the table is 3.1415927 and its corresponding f(x) value is 451.8079.

Therefore, we can approximate 7π to four decimal places as 451.8079.