Write "I go to the store" in Spanish.

Use the correct form of the verb 'ir' to say 'I go'. _____ (ir) a la tienda.
HINT: The conjugation should match the subject.

Voy a la tienda.

Place the words in the correct order.

HINT: The punctuation may help you.
(4 points)
 domingos.
 Me gusta ir al
 todos los
 campo

Me gusta ir al campo todos los domingos.

Match these common question words in Spanish with their English meaning.

(4 points)
¿Con quién?
¿De dónde eres?
 When?  Where are you from?  Where?  With whom?

¿Dónde? - Where?

¿Con quién? - With whom?
¿Cuándo? - When?
¿De dónde eres? - Where are you from?

What kinds of things might you be able to buy at a mercadillo? Check all that apply. (4)

(4 points)
live animals handicrafts
a new car local artwork fresh produce


local artwork
fresh produce

Drag the correct response into the box.

(1 point)
The serves as a repository of a country's history and treasures.
 biblioteca nacional  centro comercial  playa artificial

The biblioteca nacional serves as a repository of a country's history and treasures.