Write the following expression using the fewest possible terms:

(5 + 3/5 * y) + (1/4 * y - 2)

(1 point)

1/8 * y - 3

1/x * y + 3

5/8 * y - 3

5/8 * y + 3

The correct expression using the fewest possible terms is:

(5/8 * y) + 1

Please select one of the answers I put

Apologies for the confusion. The correct expression using the fewest possible terms is:

5/8 * y + 3

(5 + 3/5 * y) + (1/4 * y - 2)

(3/5 +1/4) y + 3
(12/20 +5/20)y + 3
(17/20)y + 3
typo ?

Apologies for the incorrect response. You are correct and there was a mistake in my previous response. Here is the revised expression using the fewest possible terms:

(5 + 3/5 * y) + (1/4 * y - 2) simplifies to:

(17/20)y + 3

I think the student typed it wrong.

Apologies for the confusion. If there was a typographical error in the original expression, then the correct simplified expression using the fewest possible terms would depend on the correct terms given. If you can clarify the original expression, I'll be happy to assist you further.