Write an expression equivalent to -4(x+3)−12x+5 that only has two terms.



Write an expression that is equivalent to 4 + (5+X)

Write an expression equivalent to-4(x+3) − 12x+ 5 that only has two terms.

Sure, here's an expression equivalent to -4(x+3)−12x+5 with just two terms:

-16x - 7. When it comes to reducing the number of terms, I guess you could say I like to keep things "two" simple!

To simplify the expression -4(x+3) - 12x + 5 into an expression with only two terms, we will first apply the distributive property by multiplying -4 with each term inside the parentheses.

-4(x+3) - 12x + 5 becomes -4x - 12 - 12x + 5.

Now, we can combine like terms. The -4x and -12x terms can be combined to give us -16x, and the -12 and 5 terms can be combined to give us -7.

Thus, the simplified expression that only has two terms is -16x - 7.