Explain why non-governmental organizations are essential for civil society?

A. Non-governmental organizations promise to remain outside of government affairs.
B. Non-governmental organizations limit their membership to government and business for the public good.
C. Non-governmental organization are outside government and business spheres and seek the public good.
D. Non-governmental organizations only work on human rights issues involving race discrimination.

C. Non-governmental organizations are outside of government and business spheres and seek the public good.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in civil society due to their independent nature and focus on the public good. Unlike government and business organizations, NGOs have the flexibility to address social, environmental, and humanitarian issues without being influenced by political or economic interests. They work in areas such as education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, human rights, environment, and social justice.

NGOs provide a platform for citizens to participate in decision-making processes and shape public policies. They advocate for marginalized communities, promote inclusivity, and hold governments accountable for their actions. NGOs often provide services and support that governments may not be able to offer adequately, especially in resource-limited settings.

By focusing on public welfare rather than profit-making, NGOs often serve as a voice for the underrepresented and work towards creating a more equitable and just society. They bridge the gap between citizens and governments, bringing attention to important social issues and driving change.

In summary, NGOs are essential for civil society because they operate independently, focus on the public good, advocate for marginalized communities, and work towards creating a more equitable society. They provide valuable services, promote citizen participation, and hold governments accountable for their actions.