I=PRT for R (finance)

Is there a question?

It seems as if this is just a formula.

Alright well after thinking about it you may have wanted R from the formula.

If this is so then this is how you'd find it.

divide the PT over to the left
you can do this with both P and T since they are being multiplied so you'd get



To solve for R in the formula I=PRT, you need to rearrange the formula to isolate the variable R. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Start with the formula I=PRT.
Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by PT to get R by itself: R = I / (PT).

Now, let's break down the meaning of each variable in the formula:

- I represents the interest amount earned or charged.
- P stands for the principal amount, which is the initial amount of money.
- R is the interest rate, expressed as a decimal or a percentage.
- T is the time duration, usually measured in years.

By using the rearranged formula, R = I / (PT), you can plug in the values for I, P, and T to calculate the interest rate, R.