Visualize an abstract concept that depicts the components of the equation symbolically. For example, show an incandescent bulb (representing 'I' for current) plugged into an energy source (representing 'P' for power). Next, show a timed rotary platform (representing 'R' for resistance) and a 100-step staircase (representing division by 100). Lastly, symbolically present the rearrangement of these components to make 'P' the subject.

I = PRT /100 make p the subject

I = P R T / 100

Multiply both dides by 100

100 I = P R T

Divide both sides by R T

100 I / R T = P

P = 100 I / R T

I = PRT /100

...Multiply both sides by 100...
I*100 = PRT*100
I 100 = PRT
...Divide both sides by RT...
I100 / RT = P


A=B-X PRT/100

