High population growth rates put immense pressure on resources, infrastructure, and social services, making it difficult to address poverty effectively

and ensure sustainable development. Rapid population growth leads to a higher demand for food, water, housing, and energy, which can strain resources and exacerbate scarcity. This can lead to increased competition, inequality, and social unrest, making it challenging to provide for the needs of all individuals.

Additionally, high population growth rates can overload infrastructure systems, such as transportation, healthcare, and education. Inadequate infrastructure can hamper economic growth and hinder poverty reduction efforts. For example, schools may become overcrowded, limiting access to quality education, and healthcare facilities may be overwhelmed, reducing the quality and availability of healthcare services.

Furthermore, high population growth rates can strain social services, such as welfare programs and social security. Governments may struggle to provide adequate support and assistance to those in need, as the number of individuals requiring assistance increases rapidly. This can result in limited access to social services, leading to further disparities and perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

Addressing poverty effectively requires sustainable development practices that promote equity, resource management, and infrastructure development. However, with high population growth rates, it becomes challenging to achieve these goals. Governments and policymakers must develop comprehensive strategies that not only focus on poverty alleviation but also address the underlying causes of population growth, such as lack of education, limited access to contraception, and cultural factors.

In conclusion, high population growth rates exert immense pressure on resources, infrastructure, and social services, making it difficult to effectively address poverty and ensure sustainable development. To combat this, long-term strategies focusing on education, healthcare, access to contraception, and sustainable development practices are necessary to create a more equitable and prosperous society.