Inessa ran 3 laps in 10 minutes. How long would it take her to run 5 laps at this pace?(1 point)


1 1/2 minutes

15 minutes
15 minutes

16 2/3 minutes

20 minutes

To find out how long it would take Inessa to run 5 laps at this pace, we can set up a proportion:

3 laps / 10 minutes = 5 laps / x minutes

Cross-multiplying, we get:

3x = 50

Dividing both sides by 3, we get:

x = 50 / 3

Converting this to a mixed number, we get:

x = 16 2/3 minutes

Therefore, it would take Inessa approximately 16 2/3 minutes to run 5 laps at this pace.