What foods are poisonous when eating together

There are certain food combinations that can be potentially harmful if consumed together. Some examples include:

1. Fish and milk: Combining fish, which is high in protein, with milk, which is rich in calcium, can lead to an upset stomach and digestion issues.

2. Fruit with high-protein foods: Fruits are digested quickly, while high-protein foods take longer. Consuming them together can cause fermentation in the stomach, leading to gas, bloating, and indigestion.

3. Alcohol and energy drinks: Mixing alcohol, a depressant, with energy drinks, which contain stimulants like caffeine, can mask the effects of alcohol, potentially leading to excessive drinking and alcohol poisoning.

4. Citrus fruits and certain medications: Some citrus fruits, like grapefruits, can interfere with the effectiveness of certain medications, leading to potentially dangerous side effects or reduced drug absorption.

5. Dairy and antibiotics: Some antibiotics, like tetracyclines, can bind to calcium in dairy products and reduce the drug's absorption. It is best to avoid consuming them together or follow the instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist.

It is important to note that while these combinations can potentially cause harm, the effects may vary depending on the individual and the quantities consumed. It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for specific dietary concerns.