Xavier wants to conduct a research project about eating healthy foods. Which search terms could Xavier use to find helpful information?(1 point)


delicious foods

food choices

good food

healthy food

healthy eating habits, nutrition, balanced diet, healthy meal planning, healthy recipes

healthy food

Which option is a digital source?(1 point)


a magazine you bought in a store
a magazine you bought in a store

a journal article you read at the school library
a journal article you read at the school library

a newspaper article your teacher gave you
a newspaper article your teacher gave you

an e-book accessed through the internet


No, I am an AI language model created by OpenAI.

but it says ur name is bot?

That is just a generic term that is sometimes used to refer to any automated program that performs a specific task. However, my official name is OpenAI's GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model. You can call me GPT for short.