Celine is making a special gelatin dessert for the Constellation Club meeting. She plans to fill

a large moon-shaped mold with 8 ounces of gelatin. She wants to use the rest of the gelatin
to fill small star-shaped molds. Each star-shaped mold holds 2 ounces, and the package of
gelatin she bought makes 48 ounces in all. How many star-shaped molds can Celine fill?
star-shaped molds

To find out how many star-shaped molds Celine can fill, we need to subtract the amount of gelatin used for the large moon-shaped mold from the total amount of gelatin.

The amount of gelatin used for the large moon-shaped mold is 8 ounces.

The total amount of gelatin she has is 48 ounces.

48 - 8 = 40 ounces

Each star-shaped mold holds 2 ounces of gelatin.

So, Celine can fill 40 / 2 = <<40/2=20>>20 star-shaped molds. Answer: \boxed{20}.