Use the passage to answer the question.

Claim 1: Scientific studies have shown that genetic engineering poses a grave risk to a plant’s genetic integrity. When this integrity is disturbed, the outcome is unpredictable. Dormant toxin levels can be activated in the plant, resulting in permanent damage to entire crops. This phenomenon occurred in StarLink corn, a product engineered to resist pests and that triggered life-threatening reactions in humans who consumed it.

Claim 2: Childhood blindness is a huge problem in developing countries. Nutritional deficiencies are usually to blame. That’s bad—horrible, in fact—but it can be avoided. Researchers have developed a variety of rice known as Golden Rice, which produces high levels of beta carotene. Beta carotene’s a godsend when it comes to this terrible problem, a thing of the past.

Compare the two claims above. How does the first claim establish a formal style when compared to the second claim?

by including real-world examples

by using a third-person perspective

by including complex syntax

by using complex vocabulary

The first claim establishes a formal style by including real-world examples, such as the case of the StarLink corn and its negative effects on human health. This use of concrete evidence enhances the credibility of the claim and appeals to a more logical and analytical approach. In contrast, the second claim does not include any real-world examples, but rather presents a hypothetical scenario of childhood blindness and the potential solution of Golden Rice. However, the second claim also maintains a formal style by using a third-person perspective and complex vocabulary.