1.The genetic engineering of crops is a controversial and debated issue in the media and press. Which of the following would be an argument in favor of the genetic engineering of corn?

A.improved nutritional content
B.increased crop yields
C.reduction of pesticide use
D.all of these
2.Look at the food web shown below. Which organisms get energy from producers?*

sperm whales

3.Some people have attached ear lobes and some people have free ear lobes. The differences in these traits are caused by*

differences in environment.
differences in personality.
differences in diet.
differences in genes.

4.Relationships between organisms may be beneficial or detrimental. Which of the following examples shows a relationship in which both organisms benefit?*
A.A tick attaches itself to the skin of a dog and takes a blood meal.
B.A female black widow spider
Latrodectus mactans mates with a male spider; then, she consumes him.
C.An African wasp Certolsolen arabicus pollinates a fig tree Ficus sycomorus as it eats the tree's nectar.
D.A species of hyena known as the aardwolf consumes termites for nourishment.

5.Many animals, including the brittle star and snapping shrimp, make their homes inside sea sponges. Here, the animals not only find safe shelter, but also have a constant flow of well-oxygenated water, and may even eat the substance produced by the sponges. The sponges are not affected in any way by the presence of these animals. Which type of relationship does this represent?

Please help with the exam

It would also be great if yโ€™all left the some other answers besties ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

I'll have the answers in about 30 mins

1.D all of these

Guys please hurry up I only have a few hours to finish this or I fail 7th grade๐Ÿ˜Ÿ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ


1. To determine an argument in favor of the genetic engineering of corn, we need to consider the options provided:

A. Improved nutritional content - This could be a potential argument in favor of genetic engineering of corn, as scientists can modify the genetic makeup of corn to enhance its nutritional content, such as increasing the levels of vitamins or essential nutrients.

B. Increased crop yields - This could also be an argument in favor of genetic engineering of corn. By modifying the genes of corn, scientists can develop varieties that are more resistant to pests, diseases, or environmental conditions, leading to higher crop yields.

C. Reduction of pesticide use - Another potential argument in favor of genetic engineering of corn. Through genetic engineering, corn can be made more resistant to pests or diseases, reducing the need for pesticide application.

D. All of these - Since all three options are potential arguments in favor of genetic engineering of corn, the correct answer is D - all of these.

2. To determine which organisms get energy from producers in the given food web, we need to identify the organisms that directly or indirectly consume producers (organisms that produce their own food).

- Squid: Squid is not a producer; it is a consumer. Squid consume other organisms, such as fish or smaller invertebrates, for energy, so it does not get energy directly from producers.
- Zooplankton: Zooplankton are tiny animals that feed on phytoplankton (producers) and other small organisms in the water column, thus obtaining energy from producers.
- Sperm whales: Sperm whales are large marine mammals that primarily feed on squid and fish, which makes them consumers rather than directly relying on producers for energy.
- Phytoplankton: Phytoplankton are microscopic, photosynthetic organisms that can produce their own food through photosynthesis. They are the primary producers in the food web and form the base of the aquatic food chain, providing energy to other organisms.

Therefore, the organisms that get energy directly from producers in the given food web are zooplankton and phytoplankton.

3. The differences in the traits of attached ear lobes and free ear lobes are caused by differences in genes. Earlobes are determined by genetics and are classified as either attached or free, depending on the inheritance of specific alleles of the earlobe gene. The trait is not influenced by the environment, personality, or diet.

4. To identify the relationship in which both organisms benefit, we need to consider the options:

A. A tick attaching itself to the skin of a dog and taking a blood meal represents parasitism, where the tick benefits at the expense of the dog.

B. A female black widow spider mating with a male spider and then consuming him represents sexual cannibalism, where the female spider benefits from consuming the male spider.

C. An African wasp pollinating a fig tree as it eats the tree's nectar represents mutualism. The wasp benefits by obtaining nourishment from the tree's nectar while simultaneously aiding in pollination, which benefits the fig tree by enhancing reproduction.

D. A species of hyena known as the aardwolf consuming termites for nourishment represents predation, where the aardwolf benefits by obtaining food while the termites are negatively affected.

Therefore, the correct answer is C - an African wasp pollinating a fig tree.

5. The type of relationship represented in this scenario, where many animals make their homes inside sea sponges without affecting the sponges, is commensalism. In commensalism, one organism benefits (the animals finding safe shelter, well-oxygenated water, and potential food) without causing any harm or benefit to the other organism (the sponges).