Which mountain range served as a boundary between the Nile River valley and the Eastern Desert, affecting the climate and irrigation systems of Ancient Egypt and Kush

The mountain range that served as a boundary between the Nile River valley and the Eastern Desert, affecting the climate and irrigation systems of Ancient Egypt and Kush, is the Red Sea Hills. These hills run parallel to the Red Sea and separate the Nile River valley from the arid Eastern Desert. The presence of this mountain range influenced the climate of the region by creating a rain shadow effect, blocking moisture from reaching the Eastern Desert. As a result, the Nile River valley received more rainfall, making it fertile and suitable for agriculture, while the Eastern Desert remained barren and mostly uninhabitable. The Nile River was the lifeblood of both Ancient Egypt and Kush, and its waters were crucial for irrigation. The mountain range acted as a natural boundary, limiting access to water and resources for the people living in the Eastern Desert.