Make a short 9th grade essay please

Note: Your teacher will grade your response to question 18 to ensure that you receive proper credit for your answer. What roles are played by the female characters in Homer's Odyssey? Describe two female characters including their traits and roles they played in your explanation of the overall portrayal of women. Be sure to consider the selections of the epic that had male characters as protagonists.

In Homer's Odyssey, the female characters play crucial roles, serving as both obstacle and aid to Odysseus during his long journey. Two significant female characters are Penelope and Circe. These women illustrate the diverse traits and roles portrayed by women throughout the epic.

Penelope, Odysseus' wife, is known for her loyalty, intelligence, and her unwavering commitment to her husband. As the male characters embark on their adventures, Penelope remains in Ithaca, managing the household and holding off a horde of suitors vying for her hand in marriage. Her role is essential in displaying the power and resilience of women. Penelope is also depicted as cunning and clever, using her intelligence to devise strategies, such as delaying the suitors by weaving and unweaving a funeral shroud. Through her actions, she highlights the importance of wit and intelligence.

Circe, a sorceress, plays a contrasting role to Penelope. She uses her powers to seduce men and turn them into pigs. Circe is forlorn and isolated on her island, using her abilities to protect herself from potential harm. When Odysseus and his men arrive, Circe becomes a significant obstacle, transforming his crew into animals. Nevertheless, she eventually supports Odysseus on his journey and helps him with valuable advice to navigate through the dangers that await him. Circe exemplifies the dual nature of women, as both nurturing and deceptive, while showcasing their adaptability and resourcefulness.

These female characters, Penelope and Circe, provide a nuanced portrayal of women in the Odyssey. They are strong, intelligent, and resourceful, making them essential elements in the overall narrative. Their roles highlight the significance of women's influence, whether it be through loyalty and resilience like Penelope or through mysterious and transformative powers like Circe. These portrayals showcase the diversity of female experiences and demonstrate that women in the epic are not just passive individuals but active agents in both assisting and complicating the hero's journey.