Question 21 of 22


Note: For questions 21–22, your teacher will grade your response to ensure you receive proper credit for your answer.

Look at the shaded triangle in the drawing below. Describe in detail the transformations needed to create the rest of the square design. You can use a combination of translations, reflections, and rotations of the shaded triangle (Figure I) to create the square design.

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To create the rest of the square design, we can use a combination of translations, reflections, and rotations of the shaded triangle (Figure I). Here are the step-by-step transformations:

1. Translation: Move the shaded triangle horizontally to the right by the same distance as the base of the triangle. This creates a second triangle adjacent to the first one.

2. Reflection: Reflect the second triangle horizontally. This means flipping it over a vertical axis. The result is two identical triangles next to each other.

3. Translation: Move the two triangles vertically upwards by the same distance as the height of the triangle. This creates a row of four triangles, forming a trapezoidal shape.

4. Reflection: Reflect the trapezoidal shape vertically. This means flipping it over a horizontal axis. The result is a trapezoidal shape mirrored below the original one.

5. Rotation: Rotate the mirrored trapezoid 90 degrees counterclockwise around its center. This creates a square shape with the mirrored trapezoid as two of its sides.

6. Reflection: Reflect the square shape diagonally. This means flipping it over a line from its top left corner to its bottom right corner. The result is a square with the mirrored trapezoid still as two of its sides, but now in a different orientation.

By combining these translations, reflections, and rotations of the shaded triangle, we can create the rest of the square design.

To describe the transformations needed to create the rest of the square design from the shaded triangle (Figure I), we first need to analyze the given drawing. Look for any patterns, symmetries, or similarities that can guide us in determining the required transformations.

Start by identifying the location and orientation of the shaded triangle in the square design. Pay attention to the vertices, sides, and angles of the triangle in relation to the overall square.

Once you have identified the shaded triangle in the square design, we can break down the necessary transformations into smaller steps. Here's a step-by-step guide to create the rest of the square design:

1. Translation: Move the shaded triangle horizontally or vertically to another location within the square. Note the distance and direction of the translation. This will result in a copy of the triangle in a new position.

2. Reflection: Reflect the translated triangle across one of the mirror lines of symmetry present in the square design. Observe the symmetry axes and choose one that preserves the overall shape and orientation of the triangle. After the reflection, you will have a mirrored copy of the triangle.

3. Rotation: Rotate the reflected triangle either clockwise or counterclockwise around a point within the square. Look for rotational symmetries that align with the design. Determine the angle of rotation required to match the desired shape. This will result in another copy of the triangle with a new orientation.

4. Repeat the transformations: Repeat the above steps by applying the same translations, reflections, and rotations to the new copies of the triangle. This process will help create additional copies of the triangle, gradually forming the complete square design.

Continue this process until the complete square design is achieved, consisting of multiple copies of the shaded triangle arranged in a symmetrical pattern.

Remember to provide detailed descriptions of the translations, reflections, and rotations used in each step. Make sure to mention the distances, directions, mirror lines, and angles involved in the transformations. This will help communicate your understanding of the concepts and garner proper credit for your response.