Which of the following can you do at el correo

The options you provided are not clear. El Correo can refer to several things, including:

1. El Correo newspaper: You can read news articles, access sections like sports, entertainment, business, etc., and comment on articles.
2. El Correo email service: You can send and receive emails, manage your inbox, create folders, and organize your email contacts.
3. El Correo postal service: You can send and receive physical mail and packages, buy postage stamps, and access other postal services.
4. El Correo restaurant or café: You can eat or have a meal, enjoy drinks, socialize with others, and potentially use their Wi-Fi or play games if available.
5. El Correo city/postal office: You can access various postal services, such as sending letters or packages, picking up mail, and inquiring about postal-related matters.

Please specify which El Correo location, service, or establishment you are referring to for a more accurate answer.